What's New

July 30, 2023

Legal Policies Update


Hello penguins,

Today we are announcing updates in the legal documents and a new policy.

Today, we have updated our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines (formerly Service Rules) and we are introducing the Third Party Guidelines.
Transparency is an important thing here at Club Penguin Atake and we have introduced this new policy that gives you information on how those services support us and what does it mean for you.
As Club Penguin Atake evolves and grows bigger, we use more solutions that may use different data. This policy is to clarify everything you need to know. We want to give our users some time to read the new policies. The updates and the new policy comes into life on August 1st, 2023 12:00 AM CEST.

Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Atake Team